New to paddling? Rib injury is a right of passage.

Having just relocated to the North Shore of Oahu, I have had much to learn in the way of stamina and technique. With surfing, developing your ability to read the waves, and how to navigate through a quickly changing ocean comes only by putting ones time in the water. As the body is developing betterContinue reading “New to paddling? Rib injury is a right of passage.”

Inland cities are destroying the ocean.

Upstate New York. Known for spectacular Autumn foliage, and the ability to drive for 15 minutes and be within a civilized urban, or suburban area. For those who live in New York City, upstate serves as a “slow-paced”, clean air rich, rustic farm wedding venue filled hub that is both romanticized for its cleanliness, asContinue reading “Inland cities are destroying the ocean.”

Self care for the responsible activist.

Responsibility, Prioritization, Respect, Communication, Self Care. Subjectively, these are the modes of a functional, modern activist. Burnout is a term we typically hear in reference to physical strain on the body only. Take on too much manual labor without rest, and suddenly we have no more energy to give to our task. Seems pretty straightContinue reading “Self care for the responsible activist.”

Boardsports: More than just a lifestyle

Surfing, and skateboarding have a deeply rooted history in the subculture of community. Often looked at through the lens of a counterculture activity, young people for generations have been pushing their sport forward, while often being met with opposition from the majority. “Localism”, or the protection of community skating and surfing rules within an areaContinue reading “Boardsports: More than just a lifestyle”

Legs & Glutes: The leading cause of Lowback Pain

I could go on an on about this topic, but in the spirit of short reads, I’m going to leave my readers with a concise explanation about low back pain, and that nagging knot in your hip pocket that won’t seem to go away. Long story short: The reason you have low back pain isContinue reading “Legs & Glutes: The leading cause of Lowback Pain”

Repetitive Strain Injury: The reason you might not go back to work

One little bad habit, continued over time.. what happens? Well, sometimes nothing. Although anatomically identical, the genetic presentation of the human body from a musculoskeletal perspective varies greatly from person to person. In short, one persons pain does not manifest the same in everyone. Our muscular system takes on strain, lifestyle stress, and injury differently.Continue reading “Repetitive Strain Injury: The reason you might not go back to work”

Better breathing for Covid 19

Have you ever wondered where hiccups come from? Believe it or not, it’s the diaphragm going through a muscle spasm. All muscles have “holding patterns” in regard to tension, and I think as a society that holds stress in our body, now is a good time to attempt to normalize spasm and even disfunction ofContinue reading “Better breathing for Covid 19”

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